What’s In the News and What Isn’t

Thinking of Sylvia Plath on what would have been her 87th birthday – and all the poets and writers she has inspired – but not in that way.
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day – this poem is a good reminder that even the smallest kind act, at the right time, in the right place, can truly change somebody’s world.
September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month – here is hoping friendship and poetry can help.
And when did the buffalo
driven over the cliff
become the lemming leaping
as if the decision was his own
Lately I have been much with Hemingway
and happy to go where he has gone
and done what he has done
I have been gut-punched
shrapnel-laced and toro-gorged
Been as cowardly and brave as Francis M.
tasted Gulf Stream salt on sun cracked lips
and the moveable feast of Paris
I’m glad he didn’t leave a note
that spoke about that gun