Monthly Archives: October 2006



As I was saying to C.A. the other day

Well actually I wasn’t
but wished I would have been
If I had known he was dying any day

I would have said

You are my twice removed
and now about to be removed
connection to Buffalo Bill
where your father worked
the Wild West Show

I made note of it in a poem you might recall

And I would have said

I want you to know I am as proud
to have shaken your hand as his

And I would have said

You are a prince among men
and among princes

For, though Shakespeare
may not have foretold it
there may be as many
in Texas as in Denmark

I would have said all that
or met and not said it at all

And yet C.A.
if you and I should meet
some ghost lit night

as you step down
from your ghost rider rounds
to ponder your own
sweet moon blanched skull
as a princely poet just might do

I would say I’m sure along with you
and every poet here

Alas poor Yorick
we did not know you well

We did not know you well enough



Dick Cheney
just had the worst day of his life
he said so himself

The worst day in Dick Cheney’s life
was not the day John F. Kennedy died
or Robert Kennedy or Martin Luther King

The worst day in Dick Cheney’s life
was not one of the many when he learned
that dozens of the young and brave
he had helped send to Iraq
were not coming back

The worst day in Dick Cheney’s life
was not even 9/11

The worst day in Dick Cheney’s life
was hunting quail in Texas
after a beer or two

The worst day in Dick Cheney’s life
was when he pulled the trigger
and saw a man actually fall
saw a man actually bleed

A bad day for Dick Cheney
may be a good day for the world



When Cheney pulls the trigger
it’s likely as not
that a partner not a bird gets shot

In Afghanistan allies tremble to a man
so much power – so little plan

Killing Canadians from Strathcona
and Cardinals from Arizona

And how many Iraqis now have died
who might really have been on our side



Seems like a strange name

Isn’t it the prey
that we’re wanting to be blind

The deer in grace and beauty
unable to detect
behind the brown green screen

The man with his guns
and a paper in his hand
given to him by another man

Brown eyes soft in gratitude she bows
to the gift of scattered corn

Maybe it is a good name after all

Maybe it really is the hunter who can’t see