Monthly Archives: November 2020
Location Counts
They Never Learned to Sing the Blues
There are Two Twenties in Twenty Twenty
Written for, and at, a virtual conference celebrating and spreading the work of Virgina Satir
In Memory of All the Dead in Wars Undeclared
Remembering Uncle Ernest
With deep gratitude to all the men and women who have endured war that we might have peace. #LestWeForget, #CanadaRemembers, #RemembranceDay, #ArmisticeDay, #VeteransDay
The Jester Honored
Joining the rest of Austin in celebrating our friend Thom today.
Video Release
Sunday at Marias
In loving Memory of Loca Maria’s Taco Express – Another covid casualty – and of Patricia Fiske its greatest supporter.
Buddha with a Toque
New snow – old wisdom Our Edmonton front yard today.