OMG! I love that one…reminds me of my grandmother’s general store in Tennessee where all the old guys sat around the pot bellied stove…lots of stories and spittin’ … wish I could remember their stories. I was fascinated. We’d sit close to the stove to warm up, balancing on the edge of the wooden Coke cases, then move back away from the heat…until we were too cold…and back close to the stove. I remember the old guys would buy two pieces of white bread and a slice of bologna for lunch. There were real cracker barrels and real pickle barrels in her store. Thanks for your poem!
OMG! I love that one…reminds me of my grandmother’s general store in Tennessee where all the old guys sat around the pot bellied stove…lots of stories and spittin’ … wish I could remember their stories. I was fascinated. We’d sit close to the stove to warm up, balancing on the edge of the wooden Coke cases, then move back away from the heat…until we were too cold…and back close to the stove. I remember the old guys would buy two pieces of white bread and a slice of bologna for lunch. There were real cracker barrels and real pickle barrels in her store. Thanks for your poem!
Ya knocked out a the park with that one. I had to howl. Fantastic
Dang! That’s really a good one, Neil!
love you